The Best Is Yet To Come…

I have owned this home for many years and have raised my two beautiful daughters here.  This home has so many memories and as my girls are going off to college, I decided it was best to find a new … Continue reading

Light the Way…

I met Scott last year at the Alameda Antiques Fair  which is advertised as the “largest antiques show in Northern California” held on the 1st Sunday of every month.  What makes this fair so unusual is that everything for sale must be 20 years or older, there is always a great mix of vintage items to be found.   It is also a great place to get inspired and watch the incredible assortment of people who pass through the gates.    Scott is the owner of Scott Coppersmith Designs, a modern home furnishings and building company in which everything is handmade by Scott.   As his website states “2/3 of America’s landfills are filled with construction trash, almost all of Scott’s products are upcycled by creating something new out of something old”.

When David and I discovered his booth, we were instantly struck by the beauty and originality of his designs.   These are truly one of a kind…

The 50’s Star Marquee Light, a steal at $400.00.


The AMOR marquee lights features reclaimed wood and automotive grade aluminum, prices start at $350.00


Thank you Scott for being a part of my blog and sharing your story with us…

1.  Five words that best describe you?

Sweet, strong, curious, soulful and a workaholic.

2. How did you get your career start?

I took a furniture class in college.  The professor blew my mind with his approach and I bring that approach to everything I make, to this day.  I also had a 14 year stint as a commercial and residential builder.  I learned a few things but mostly that those are cold, thankless worlds.

3.   What is the best lesson you have learned during your time spent pursuing your career?

How to walk in everybody’s shoes.

4. Best decision you have ever made?

To give being an artist an honest shot.

5. Best advice you have been given?

Follow your heart and set goals.

6.  What inspires you?

Oh everything. Music, people, travel and places. Inspiration’s everywhere if you’re open to seeing it.  It’s a frame of mind, not a moment of happenstance or dream or cosmic chance occurrence or drug induced vision.

7. Who is your design/style icon?

Clark Griswald 

8. If you were on a deserted island,  what three items and/or people would you take with you?   (food, water and electricity are provided)…

Good question. Although I don’t wanna push anyone off the boat we’re gonna need some music so some sort of apparatus with all the music in the world would be nice.  My lady friend.  And I’d like to bring a dead friend back into the world of the living, too; Aaron Mills.

9. Favorite Food?

Ice cream

10.  What is your next career goal?

Trying to buy a serious work space. Elegant over the top one offs and hiring a PA.